Описание проекта
We are the European company INVEST HOLDING, based in Lithuania and successfully providing legal, consulting, accounting and business services for the countries of Africa and Asia.
99% of these services are performed remotely and can be sold online.
Цель проекта
To grow to $ 2, 000, 000 or more in profit per year, we need to make a quick leap of only 8-10 times, and for this, we need additional investments by only 2 points:1. Increase the number of advertising2. Increase the number of employees
Текущее состояние
We have a working profitable business that brings in about $ 250, 000 per year and we want to increase our profits to$ 2, 000, 000 - $ 3, 000, 000 per year.
Годовая прибыль
Годовой объём продаж
Риски проекта
Решение (продукт или услуга)
- European visa- Residence permit- Help with moving into EU from different countries- Company registration in EU- Opening a european bank account and cash deposits- Accounting and legal services
All our competitors turned out to be weak, and we squeezed them out of the market since we did not spare money on advertising and honestly provided service to our clients. We are the only one of our competitors who actively maintain social networks (Instagram, Facebook) and arranges business trips to the countries with which we work.
№ 4735 10.09.2021
Средняя оценка - 0 ( голосов)